Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Journal #26

Of course, with the glorious season of Winter comes snow. I think snow may be my favorite natural phenomenon because not only is it fun to play in, it looks really cool. Who knew that frozen water could be so amazing? My favorite snow activity has got to be skiing. Although we live in Illinois where there are no hills or mountains for that matter anywhere in sight, whenever I get the chance, I ski the heck of the the snow. Now I am not a fantastic skier, but I think I can hold my own. I know that I will be doing it a lot more when I move away for college because it is so awesome. Another great thing to do in the snow is go for a run. Although you kind of have to wear a lot of clothes because it is blistering cold, running in the snow is probably the best kind of running. Everything except for your footsteps is quiet, and all you can feel is your breath; it's amazing. Along with snow and Winter comes the boss of all holidays, Christmas. The snow truly adds to the Christmas atmosphere as it says in the song, "White Christmas." I almost forgot sledding! Sledding is fun for all because it is easy, fun, and a chance for shenanigans. I know that I have had some great experiences while sledding although I may or may not have gone head first into a tree. Unlike skiing (not cross-country sking of course, another great hobby), you can really sled almost anywhere with a declined surface. I suppose the only real downfall of snow is the horribly cold and windy weather. However, without the cold factor, it would not be as nice. Hear me out when I say this. The whole Winter atmosphere involves coming in from the frightful weather to the delightful fire. If it were warm all the time, we would take it for granted. To me, snow and Winter are simply champions of weather.


  1. Luke, I am very inspired by your love for snow. Even though snow is not really my friend, your relationship with snow sounds wonderful.

  2. I like the list of activities that are made possible by the wonderful miracle of snow. I like the descriptive imagery you used during talking about your run. Snow is amazing. Nice job.

  3. Dear Luke,
    I like when you said "I ski the heck out of the snow". It was funny. I like your writing, good job:)

  4. Dear Luke,
    I enjoyed your little phrase "coming in from the frightful weather to the delightful fire". I also agree with Bailey #1, your relationship with snow sounds beautiful.

  5. Dear Luke,
    I wish I could skii :(. I agree with Abby, "I ski the heck out of snow" is funny! Goojob!
